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!chicken - Bear loves chicken
!dance - The Dance of my people
!dinner - Dinner is served!
!dodge - When you roll the UAZ
!fail - Any Epic Fail
!goodnight - When someone hits the hay!
!gotcha - For those sick plays!
!headshot - For those sick headshots!
!imhit - When PapaBear gets knocked!
!letsgo - We need hype!
!love - When love is in the air!
!luls - Hilarious
!metal - Bears love AC/DC!
!redeyes - Post-Dab GIF
!skills - We got the skills!
!teabag - REKT
!teeth - Come at me bro!
!train - When the hype doesn't stop!
!update - Stream/Title
!vehicle - Finally found a car!
!welcome - When a cub arrives!
!run - Running Simulator 2018
!close - That was a close one!
!prawn - Get Prawned, bitch!
!mad - why you heff to be so mad?
!esports - E-Sports Ready!
!deskpop - You already know!
!thirsty - when the thirst is real!
!Bearhug - showing the love!
!woods - when Papa Bear has to go!
!twerk - Papa Bear gotta bust a move!
!roomba - how we clean the BBs!
!ah - Does that peanut butter feel good?
!oohwee - Mr. Poopy Butthole
!boost - Engage Slingshot to get the edge in Marbles
!dingdong - when Grizzly is being a dingdong.
!grizzexe - when PapaBear stops functioning
!mamabear - when Mama Bear comes to The Den!
!esports - When the game crashes, use it!
!falling - when your marble falls off the track!
!rocketman - When your marble gets launched!
!fuckyounightbot - when nightbot is being a dick!
!getdunked - when you get that sweet dunk!
!beer - Beer is good!
!shots - Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots, Shots!
!muted - when Papa Bear forgets to unmute the mic!
!potato - for the perfectly done potato.
!shutup - when Papa is talking too much!
!thirsty - Bake 'em away, Toys!

!cheers - Let's have a drink together!

!startrace - let get  this race going!
!work - time  to  make that money!
!legendary - for those legendary Cubs and moments!


Subs get their own entrance animation!

Beer, Wine & Liquor

Full bar features a selection of beer, wine  and mixed drinks.

Check Your Stuff

We offer a coat check service for your jacket, purse or merch - free.

Buy Tickets
on Site

Our box office is open seven days a week, from 3pm to 10pm

Photos and Videos

Still photography is allowed; video policy varies per artist.

The Launch in Photos

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